Mittwoch, 7. September 2011

JP Morgan erklärt die Euro-Krise mit Lego

Michael Cembalest (Chief Investment Officer von JPMorgans Private Banking) hat in Kooperation mit seinem 9-jährigen Sohn Peter folgende Infografik über die Euro-Krise veröffentlicht:

Die Pfeile zeigen an, in welche Richtung die Last der Bailout-Kosten geschoben werden.
Und die Auflistung der einzelnen Legofiguren:
  1. The toreador in a floppy hat, and the F1 driver with his helmet, represent Spain, Italy and the rest of the Euro Periphery.
  2. The three men with helmets, shields, and medieval weaponry represent the CDU, CSU and FDP parties in Germany.
  3. The blue-and-white sailor boy is Finland. Obvs.
  4. The woman with an oversized carrot and her friend in overalls with a shovel represent the Social Democrats and Greens.
  5. Wotan represents the Bundesbank.
  6. The piggy bank is the IMF.
  7. The grey-haired Banque chap is the ECB.
  8. The chap in the red bib is Poland.
  9. The artists are France.
  10. The angry chef, the sweeper with a broom, the airline pilot, and the rest of the motley crew at bottom left, represent EU taxpayers in Core countries.
  11. The storm troopers are the EU Commission and Euro Group Finance Ministers, chaired by Jose Manuel Barroso and Jean- Claude Juncker.
  12. The monocled banker and his assistant are EU bondholders and shareholders.
Das ganze befindet sich übrigens in Cembalest's Forschungspapier "Eye on the Market". Leseempfehlung sprech ich dafür aber keine aus.

Quelle: Nerdcore, Reuters

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