Sonntag, 11. September 2011

Steuern und deren Auswirkung auf das Wohlbefinden

Eine kürzlich erstellte Studie fand heraus, dass Einwohner von Ländern in denen Reichtum höher besteuert wird, glücklicher sind.
“A new study comparing 54 nations found that flattening the tax risks flattening social wellbeing as well.
"The more progressive the tax policy is, the happier the citizens are," says University of Virginia psychologist Shigehiro Oishi”

“The results: On average, residents of the nations with the most progressive taxation evaluated their own lives as closer to "the best possible."
They also reported having more satisfying experiences and fewer discomfiting ones than respondents living in nations with less progressive taxes. That happiness, Oishi says, was "explained by a greater degree of satisfaction with the public goods, such as housing, education, and public transportation."

Higher government spending per se did not yield greater happiness, in spite of the well-being that was associated with satisfaction with state-funded services. In fact, there was a slight negative correlation between government spending and average happiness.”
Was lernen wir daraus? Eine Politik, welche sich als Ziel soziale Gerechtigkeit setzt, macht Menschen glücklicher. No shit sherlock!

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