Samstag, 26. November 2011

Photos of USA in the early 70s

Passend zum vorherigen Post, gibts hier ein paar Fotos aus den 70ern, welche sich mit dem Thema Umweltschutz ausseinandersetzen:

More than 100 photographers were hired not only to document specific environmental issues, but to capture images of everyday life, showing how we interacted with the environment and capturing the way parts of America looked at that moment in history. By 1974, more than 80,000 photographs had been produced. The National Archives has made 15,000 of these images available, and I've spent much of the past week combing through those to bring you these 46 glimpses of America in the early 1970s, with an eye toward our then-ailing environment.
Documerica: Images of Ameria in Crisis in the 1970s

 via Boing Boing

Thorium: A Clean, Safe & Cheap Alternative Nuclear Fuel?

Ich muss gestehen, dass ich noch nie davon gehört hab, aber die Doku ist auf jeden Fall spannend.
The disaster at Fukushima drew attention once again to the perils of nuclear energy, and raised important questions about how its technology came to be. The Thorium Dream explores the passionate Internet-based movement in the United States behind an alternative nuclear fuel, thorium, and a supposedly safer, smaller reactor design that was born at the start of the atomic age and then forgotten. Its proponents say the technology could forever end our energy and resource problems, while solving the safety, proliferation and waste issues, and they're determined to bring it to the U.S. before other countries do -- or before other forces manage to keep the idea stuck in the bin of fringe curiosities.
via Boing Boing


Rosscott, Inc - Too Bad This Is True
xkcd - Porn Folder
garfield minus garfield
The Noob - Dwarf Fortress
SMB - Life Tip

Pillow Fight Weapons

Occupy Wallstreet Pong

via Nerdcore

Siri Argument

via College Humor

Vertical Chess Set

So einfach, und doch so genial.

The Vertical Chess Set by Hammacher Schlemmer is a wall-mounted chess set with a vertical chessboard. The playing pieces rest on acrylic shelves. The vertical design keeps the game out of the way, presumably allowing a chess game to go own indefinitely.
via Laughing Squid

Samsung vs. Apple, Round ?

via Laughing Squid

Simon’s Cat in “Catnap”

2011 Zombie Safe House Competition

The Zombie Safe House Competition is an annual competition that challenges architects and designers to create the ultimate safe house for a zombie apocalypse. The winners for the 2nd annual competition were announced earlier this month: The Gold Shovel 1st Prize went to the Vagabond Mobile Safe House Device, a collapsible zombie shelter by Austin Fleming. The competition is supported by Architects Southwest.

via Laughing Squid

Countdown, Animated Rocket Launch

Sehr schöne Animation von Desrumaux Celine inkl. Apparat Soundtrack.

Seanna's Security Blanket

This summer, 24-year old Seanna Sharpe did an illegal acrobatics show 285 feet up the Williamsburg bridge (11 stories over rush hour train traffic) hanging from the double-silk cloud swing she invented.
Leider ist das Video fürchterlich geschnitten, anschaun sollte man es sich trotzdem.

 via Nerdcore

via Dave

Samstag, 12. November 2011

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

Compliment Battle!

via Laughing Squid

The Sexy Sax Man

Es gibt ein neues Sexy Sax Man Video. Finds aber nicht sonderlich toll, darum post ich lieber das alte.

Strange Animals Pt. 3 - The Handstand Peeing Dog

Escape from the digital world.

via Laughing Squid

Oakland Police officer shoots guy with a camera for no apparent reason

Campbell, holding the camera, moves slowly to his right, filming the line;
Campbell is heard twice asking, "Is this OK?"
"When I was approaching the line, an officer told me to stop and step back, so I stepped back 5 or 10 feet and started filming, and I asked if that was OK," he explained Monday.
He said there was no reply until an officer raised a weapon and fired, striking him in the upper right thigh with a nonlethal projectile; the video ends with his crying out in pain.

"At first I was just stunned, and in an immense amount of pain," he said. "It was just shock. I was extremely shaken. And since then what I'm really wondering is what was going through that person's head that made him think it was OK to shoot another person with a less-than-lethal weapon for doing absolutely nothing wrong."
Oakland police and City Hall representatives didn't return emails seeking comment Monday.

Geoffrey Alpert, a University of South Carolina criminal justice professor who's an expert in police decision-making and use of force, said the video left him "astonished, amazed and embarrassed."
"Unless there's something we don't know, that's one of the most outrageous uses of a firearm that I've ever seen," he said. "Unless there's a threat that you can't see in the video, that just looks like absolute punishment, which is the worst type of excessive force."

Mehr auf

Look What Happens When You Over-Tax the Job-Creators Like Hollingsworth Hound!

via Boing Boing

Strange Animals Pt. 2 - The Duck

Rick Perry...Oops

Rick Perry würde gerne 3 Agencies of Government schließen.

via Boing Boing

Where men meets moustaches meets hair meets moustaches meets hair meets MOUSTAIR.

Ein Tumblr...erm...ja, ein Tumblr. See for yourself:

via Nerdcore

Strange Animals Pt. 1 - The Hunchcat

via Nerdcore

Dienstag, 8. November 2011

Die Antwoord und Interscope gehen getrennte Wege

Die Antwoord is kurz vor dem Release ihres neuen Albums "TEN$ION", Interscope/Universal Music Group bietet eine Million auf die Hand, und was machen Ninja, Yo-Landi Vi$$er und DJ Hi-Tek?
They say: Fok Julle Naaiers!

In ihrem online Tagebuch schreiben sie dazu:
So anyway... Interscope offered us a bunch of money again to release our new album TEN$ION.
But this time, they also tried to get involved with our music, to try and make us sound like everyone else out there at the moment.
So we said: 'U know what, rather hang on to your money, buy yourself something nice...we gonna do our own thing. Bye bye'
Im speziellen ging es um ihr neues Video (welches oben gerade spielt). Interscope war das Lied als Single zu hardcore, und wollten dann gleich noch dazu das ganze Album ein bissl familienfreundlicher gestallten.
Die Antwoord wird TEN$ION jetzt selbst vertreiben, und zwar als digitale Downloads und auf Flash Drives, "Because CDs are like motherfucking VHS".

via Boing Boing

WTF of the Day - Bug report: "Simultaneous cat and external keyboard input causing kernel panic"

Auf findet man eine Bug Report der einige Fragen aufwirft (Nach dem Break gibts noch ein paar Fotos von der "Testaufbau"):

SubjectSimultaneous cat and external keyboard input causing kernel panic


I encountered a kernel panic with the 3.1.0 kernel on a Dell Latitude
E6410 while inputting simultaneously from the integrated keyboard with
a cat and from the external keyboard myself. I was trying to type my
password with the external keyboard (pw dialog already visible), but I
noticed that the computer didn't seem responsive to my typing. Then
suddenly the cat shifted his position and there was a kernel panic
involving input handling. I'm now using i8042.nokbd kernel parameter
as a workaround, something I've found useful also earlier.

I wonder if anyone else is experiencing similar problems? This didn't
seem to happen with 3.0, which was the first kernel version I used on
this E6410. Although it has to be noted that the internal keyboard
input was not yet as heavy either at that time. Please test if you can
reproduce the problem.

Photos of the panic at
The first one was taken about ten seconds after the panic and shows
the original cat positioning. The two other ones show alternative
possible positions together with more of the panic text. There is also
one photo showing the pre-crash setup, which I happened to take
without anticipating a panic. The similar but black input weight was
not in use.

The kernel was tainted because the Intel "mei" module from staging was
loaded. The kernel used was the final 3.1 from the ubuntu mainline ppa
archives for amd64.

Thank you,
Timo Jyrinki

PUNK - Kultur aus den Slums: brutal und häßlich

Highdive hat einen Spiegel Artikel über die Punk Szene aus dem Jahr 1978 hochgeladen.

Häßlich geschminkte Jugendliche tragen in Müll-Klamotten, mit Nazi-lnsignien und Hundeketten Protest gegen Arbeitslosigkeit und Langeweile in der Industriegesellschaft zur Schau. Ihr primitiver "Punk-Rock" wird von Plattenfirmen erfolgreich vermarktet. Jet-Setter von New York bis München empfinden die Lumpen-Mode als letzten Schick. Doch echte Punker sehen den Rummel schon kritisch: "Da läuft irgendwas schief."

Einige, zumeist Jungen zwischen 15 und 20, halten sich am Hals umfaßt, als würden sie sich würgen. Schlägen und Tritten der Nachbarn ist dennoch kaum auszuweichen. Manche Nase blutet, aber allen scheint das zu gefallen.
Plötzlich zerschmettert ein Halbstarker eine Bierflasche an der Bühne, droht mit dem Scherbenhals um sich und schlägt einen gekonnten Magenhaken. Der Getroffene reißt dem Schläger, der gleich darauf zu Boden geht, mit der Sicherheitsnadel vom Ohr das halbe Ohrläppchen ab. Blut strömt, aber die Pogo-Ekstase geht weiter, niemand kümmert sich darum.
Die Szene ist heute schon Literatur - oder was man dafür halten mag. Der 16jährige Gideon Sams, ausgeflippter Sohn eines Londoner Nahrungsmittel-Großhändlers, vermittelt sie in seinem Kurzroman "The Punk"*, der vom Regisseur Michael Same ("Myra Breckinridge") für eine Million Dollar verfilmt werden soll.
Denn einmalig ist dieses gewalttätige Vergnügen keineswegs: So geht das jede Nacht, nicht nur im "Roxy". Auch im Londoner "Vortex", das knapp 500 zu menschlichen Horrorfiguren gestylten Jugendlichen (zu wenig) Platz bietet, im "Marquee"-Club und in zahllosen ähnlichen Pinten bis hinauf nach Manchester und Liverpool bringt derzeit aggressiver Primitiv-Rock aufgestaute Ängste und Ärger eines halbwüchsigen Lumpenproletariats und frustrierter Bürgerkinder zur Entladung.
via Nerdcore

Why God Never Received Tenure at the University

darthfedor hat den wohl besten Reddit Post des Monats abgeliefert:

Why God Never Received Tenure at the University
  1. Because he had only one major publication.
  2. And it was in Hebrew.
  3. And it had no cited references.
  4. And it wasn't published in a refereed journal or even submitted for peer review.
  5. And some even doubt he wrote it himself.
  6. It may be true that he created the world but what has he done since?
  7. His cooperative efforts have been quite limited.
  8. The scientific community has had a very rough time trying to replicate his results.
  9. He never applied to the Ethics Board for permission to use human subjects.
  10. When one experiment went awry, he tried to cover it up by drowning the subjects.
  11. When subjects didn't behave as predicted, he often punished them, or just deleted them from the sample.
  12. He rarely came to class, just told students to read the book.
  13. He had his son teach the class.
  14. He expelled his first two students for learning.
  15. Although there were only ten requirements, most students failed his tests.
  16. His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountain top.

via Nerdcore

Gears of War Rip-Off Action Figures

Freitag, 4. November 2011

Walking Dead, Dexter, Breaking Bad Chucks

Leider gibts die nicht zum kaufen, aber trotzdem sehr geil.

Amazon hat übrigens gerade lederne Chucks im Angebot:

Converse CT AS HI AQ564 Unisex - Erwachsene Sneaker

via Nerdcore

Bed Bug Hotels

Nette Guerilla Art Installationen von Hunter Fine und Aaron Glazer, welche an Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten mit Bettwanzen Befall angebracht werden.

Hunter Fine über seine Inspiration für die Aktion:
Well a friend of mine got bed bugs this summer and I was like, damn if only there was a warning or something. Have you seen Mad Men? There was a scene where they cut to him as a kid and hobos had etched in wood symbols outside his childhood house that gave graphic codes that his dad was a dick and mom was a slut or something. Anyway, those were warnings to fellow hobos to avoid that place. So that’s where I got the idea, plus adding a little comic deterrent, to tell people who were passing by or future tenants that the place you are seeing has had an outbreak of the bugs.
via Laughing Squid

Guy Fawkes OWS bandanas

Sehr feine Idee: Bandanas mit Guy Fawkes aufdruck (bekannt aus V for Vendetta, Anonymous, der Occupy Bewegung,...).
Fold this bandana in half to transform into the famous fawksy provocateur from the comic pages. It's perfect for protecting yourself from sudden dust storms and outbreaks of authoritarianism. Keep your neck warm during those cold sit-ins. Use it as an impromptu rucksack to cart your gear from Zuccotti Park when the cleaners come. Cut eye holes to wear as a full face mask for added anonymity. Flag Fawkes. This is the hanky code for revolution.
*For every bandana ordered one will be sent to one of the Occupy branches worldwide. Double your effect and increase the anonymity!*
Zu kaufen gibts den Spass auf Etsy um $16,50 (inkl.Versand machts dann ein bissl was über 16,50€ aus)

via Boing Boing

Postmodernism my ass (hair)

Behold, Jessica Wohl's "Hairy Staircase" installation: "2011. synthetic hair, fabric and steel installed in the abandoned Mountainaire Hotel, Hot Springs, Arkansas."
via Boing Boing

Twin River Police Associations strange Humor

Wenn das T-Shirt von einem Kindergarten oder einer Schule vertrieben worden wäre, würd ich das Ganze ja ziemlich witzig finden, aber wenn die Polizei solche Shirts verteilt, is es doch ein bissl creepy.

 via Boing Boing

Dienstag, 1. November 2011

Amazon Deals

Weihnachten steht an und Amazon hat gerade einen Haufen netter Deals. Da der Nerd Amazon Partner ist, war er so frei und hat eine kleine (mehr oder weniger nerdige, dafür bunt gemischte) Liste erstellt:

DJ Hero 1 Bundle um 13€ (Xbox 360)

DJ Hero 2 Bundle um 18€ (Xbox) bzw. 26€ (PS3 & Wii)
Beide sind das Geld wert.

Schuh Abverkauf halbwegs große Auswahl, viele unter 50€

Doctor Who Minecraft Mod

Die jenigen unter euch, die Doctor Who kennen, sind vermutlich auch mit den Weeping Angels vertraut.
a_dizzle hat nun einen Mod für Minecraft veröffentlicht, welcher die Angels als Gegner spawnen lässt. Wahnsinnig creepy das ganze :)

Zum Download: Weeping Angels Mod
via Nerdcore

Homepage der SPD Engenhahn

Web Designer aufgepasst, die SPD Engenhahn hat die Messlatte für gelungenes Design um einiges nach oben geschraubt:

Zur Homepage der SPD Engenhahn

via Nerdcore

T is for Top Hat, ein etwas stranger Kurzfilm

2012 Time Travel Calender

Kickstarter ist eine wunderbare Platform durch welche bereits einige tolle Projekte finanziert wurden, und der 2012 Time Travel Calendar ist eines davon.
This is the culmination of years of sci-fi fandom and design practice. I want to create a high quality calendar that will help everyone make their home or workspace approximately 45% nerdier and 100% better-looking (Ok, maybe not a 100%, but better-looking. Honest.).

The calendar collects time travel events from films, comics, TV shows and videogames and puts them on a single timeline that plays out over the year. You're getting about 2.6 billion years of time travel in 12 months.

Alex Griendling ist hauptberuflich Designer für Google, Sci-Fi Nerd und besitzt eine Katze namens Batman.

PS: Doctor Who ist natürlich inkludiert.

Dawn of the Muppets

Nightmare on Tatooine, Star Wars/"Horror" Movies Mashup

What You Text vs. What I See (halblustig)

via Bit Rebels