Freitag, 4. November 2011

Bed Bug Hotels

Nette Guerilla Art Installationen von Hunter Fine und Aaron Glazer, welche an Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten mit Bettwanzen Befall angebracht werden.

Hunter Fine über seine Inspiration für die Aktion:
Well a friend of mine got bed bugs this summer and I was like, damn if only there was a warning or something. Have you seen Mad Men? There was a scene where they cut to him as a kid and hobos had etched in wood symbols outside his childhood house that gave graphic codes that his dad was a dick and mom was a slut or something. Anyway, those were warnings to fellow hobos to avoid that place. So that’s where I got the idea, plus adding a little comic deterrent, to tell people who were passing by or future tenants that the place you are seeing has had an outbreak of the bugs.
via Laughing Squid

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